

What is APRM?

African Peer Review Mechanism is a voluntary arrangement amongst African states to systematically assess and review governance at Head of State peer level in order to promote political stability, accelerated sub regional and continental economic integration economic growth and sustainable development. It was established in 2003 by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee as an instrument for AU Member States to voluntarily self- monitor their governance performance. By acceding to the APRM, Member states agree to independently review their compliance with African and International governance commitments. (Link: info@nepadkenya.org)

What is Population Census?

A population census is the total county of a population at a specified time within a country’s boundary or in a well delineated part of a country. (link: knbs.or.ke)

What is the Role of the State Department for Planning in Government?

The State Department for Planning assists the Government in the formulation, coordination, and implementation of economic policies and intervention measures that will effectively and efficiently accomplish the country’s major economic and development objectives. The department provides leadership in preparation of the Kenya Vision 2030’s medium term plans, sector plans as well as tracking their implementation. (link: planning.go.ke @ gmail.com)

What role does The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) play in both National and County Government?

The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) is an autonomous Institute whose primary mission is to develop capacities for Policy Formulation, Implementation and Evaluation within National and County Governments; undertake relevant and timely policy research and analysis; serve as a point of Policy Engagement and Communication on Public Policy; Develop and maintain a reservoir of knowledge in public policy in contributing to the achievement of National development goals (link: www.kippra.or.ke)

Who is Kenya National Bureau of Statistics

Kenya National Bureau of Statistics is the Principal Government Agency responsible for collection, compilation, analysis, publication and dissemination of official statistical information and is the custodian of official statistical information. (link: knbs.or.ke)